The Wounder Festival 2015 Summer @ 幕張メッセ

えー…お久しぶりです(汗笑)。 遅まきながら、7月末に幕張メッセで開催されたワンターフェスティバル2015夏のレポートです(^ ^;)。
I had gone to the Wounder Festival 2015 Summer (, July) that very famous convention of formative arts (about anime, manga & diverse subcultures) at the Makuhari Messe event hall. There were many dealers and companies booth getting on from around Japan. [Please refer a following URL if would you have a interest about this convention; (from Good Smile Company Inc.)]
In this time, we had actualized three characters of 『WORKING!!!』 as the manga/ anime in Japan, Kyoko SHIRAFUJI, Yachiyo TODOROKI, and Jun SATO [about characters and story , please refer the wiki.;!!_Wiki]. The third season of 『WORKING!!!』 anime started running on this July, we had gotten a good opportunity that was come on them in this event.
However, this day was murderous heat! I said repeatedly “Damn HOT!!”.lol
今回はたまきゅうさん家白藤杏子さんと轟八千代さんに佐藤潤くんを合わせて、ワグナリアクルーを実現出来たのは天佑でありました。 7月から「WORKING!!!」第3期もスタートし、まさにベストタイミングでありましたね(^ ^)

八千代さんが凛々しい! そしてツーショットを撮影して頂けたことも善哉でした‹‹(´ω` )››


潤くん… (´・ω・`)スョボーン
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