P.S.OFF of Seaside Coast 2.nd on August, 2015.【Frash Report】

先般開催された、TAKAさん主催「潮のオフ2.nd」 Flash report版をお送りいたします。
At the end of last month, we have held the photo-shooting OFF at the house studio by the seaside. There were holding up rainy day for a term of OFF meeting, and we had compelled limiting in the house for photographing place. Maybe the rain maker had stayed in the region of our house? lol.
In this time, there were several kigs gathering at the house. This flash report make a introduction for a part of their with the images.



最後は、さんかくはさん指導&撮影の画像から。 ショートヘア可愛いよショート!! ‹‹(´ω` )››
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