P.S.OFF at the Deep Forest on May, 2015 – DayⅡ

Glynda in the deep forest
photo by Sankaku-ha_san

この日は早朝から野外での撮影が精力的に進められまして、Glynda先生も Rubyとのツーショット等、美麗な画像を多く撮影して頂きました。

There are uploaded images were taken in the second day of P.S.OFF.
In this day, we had shot on location strenuously. These images were posted on this article are taken by wizardly photo-shooters in this time, pair of Glynda & Ruby and other etc..

【 Enchanting Glynda 】

Enchanting Glynda.
Enchanting Glynda. Enchanting Glynda. Enchanting Glynda.
Enchanting Glynda.

【 At the station 】

at the station at the station at the station
at the station
at the station at the station at the station
at the station
at the station at the station at the station

【 In the deep forest 】

in the forest
in the forest IMG_1595_skh in the forest
in the forest
in the forest in the forest in the forest
in the forest
in the forest in the forest in the forest
in the forest
in the forest in the forest in the forest
in the forest in the forest in the forest
in the forest

【 With Ruby 】

with Ruby

… To be continued to gathering image.

Special link for this photo-shooting OFF is there.
【Kigurumi Avenue 07.】 The report of Forest-off Part5 on May, 2015. → Day.1  Day.2



  1. 2015/ 05/ 25

    […] 文章掲載アドレス;http://parrishoaks.xsrv.jp/blog/2015/05/23/p-s-off-at-the-deep-forest-on-may-2015-day%E2%85%A1/ […]

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