P.S. OFF at the classroom studio on June, 2015 -1.st Report-

SANさんの主催で企画された「学校シチュエーション撮影会」に参加させて頂きました。 今回はスクール制服キャラの合わせと云うことで、青錆学園高等部のじーすり(G3)さんにご登場頂きました。これまてなかなか登場の機会が無かったものですし、これは適任でしょう(笑)

うーんやはり指摘を貰った通り先生属性のキャラが向いていたかなぁ…ちょっと不憫でありました(^ ^;)

I had been going in to photo-shooting OFF in last week. There is a photo studio that is build like a traditional classroom at school in Japan. In this time, we had the main theme “Gathering school girls of kig.” and had carried into effect this project.
These images are picking up from photo archive were taken on OFF meeting, uploading as a article of early report … long time no see, JeeThree@Upotte!! (^ ^; )
In next time, I’ll provide a article that would be presented view of OFF meeting and kigs came in. .
These images had shot by Giovanni_san, SAN_san, Yuuki SASAHARA_san.
Thanks for regards.
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