P.S.OFF at the Deep Forest 6.th on November, 2015 【Flash report】

Photo by Sankakuha san

In this time, I had uploaded a article of flash report for the photo-shooting OFF meeting, “The OFF meeting in the deep forest”. It had been to hold on later of November in this year, we blessed good condition(about weather and climate) for gathering and activity in the term of this meeting.
And sixteen kigs of total were come on the studio in forest, this flash report presence them using several images.

今回は、去る11月に開催された「森のOFF会 6.th」の模様を、画像集(速報版)にてお送りいたします。

photo by Y. Sasahara san
photo by Tuno san photo by Totetsu san
photo by Y. sasahara san 
photo by Totersu san photo by Tuno san
photo by Tuno san
photo by Tuno san photo by Y.Sasahara san
photo by Y. Sasahara san
photo by Notch san photo by Notch san
photo by Y. Sasahara san
photo by Lewin san
photo by Lewin san photo by Sankakuha san
以上、速報版をお送り致しました。 正式なReportは、また後ほど…(^ ^;)


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